Get to Shwedagon pagoda in Yangon free of charge
The entrance fee to Shwedagon Paya in Yangon is 8000 kyats. Enough to discourage us to enter. But we found the way to get in without paying entrance ticket.
I don’t know if we were just lucky or it will work generally, but this is what we did. We, unintentionally, climbed to the pagoda entrance by eastern stairway. The ticket booth is just before entering the main pagoda yard. The guard immediately asked us to buy the tickets, but we refused – it was raining outside so there was no reason to buy it now. We sat at near the booth and waited till the rain ends. After some time we realized that nobody cares about us.
On the left side, just in front of the ticket booth is another entrance, that looks like not leading to the pagoda main yard. We decided to look to the pagoda from that yard and not to go inside. So we walked out through that door. Nobody cared.
After some 50 meters we found out there is a small path leading to the main yard. We used it and suddenly we were on the main yard. Nobody cared more about us and we spent nice 2 hours of enjoying the pagoda.
Good luck and let us know if it worked for you too.